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Friday, November 25, 2011

how to add fonts to Windows 8

Windows 8 has made adding fonts to Windows font library easier than ever. Learn how to add fonts properly

Adding Fonts Windows 8

Windows 8, like other windows has a folder in windows directory named Fonts. You can always add new fonts to windows. The well knows types of fonts for windows are Open Type fonts, True Type fonts and Clear Typs fonts. You can download fonts from many websites available online. We assume you have a font file with you and now you want to install it. Follow the instructions below;
1. In the Metro Start Menu click / tap on Windows Explorer.

 2. Browse to the font file. Right click on it and select Install. Wasn’t that easy?

3. You can also install it by copying and then pasting the font file to windows font library. For that, right click on your file and select Copy.

4. Now browse to C:\Windows\Fonts folder and paste the file there.

5. There is another way to installing the fonts. This is the easiest of all. Simply open the font file and press Install button.

OpenType fonts (.OTF) are scalable format fonts developed by Microsoft,TrueType fonts (TT or .TTF) are digital font technology fonts designed by Apple andClearType was also introduced by Microsoft specially for Microsoft Office 2007 and Windows Vista. The ClearType fonts improved readability for high resolution displays


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